172 research outputs found

    Guest Editor's Foreword (Special Issue with Selected Papers from the 19th International Symposium on Graph Drawing, GD 2011)

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    This issue of the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications is devoted to the nineteenth International Symposium on Graph Drawing, held September 19-21, 2011, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands

    Higher order Delaunay triangulations

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    For a set P of points in the plane, we introduce a class of triangulations that is an extension of the Delaunay triangulation. Instead of requiring that for each triangle the circle through its vertices contains no points of P inside, we require that at most k points are inside the circle. Since there are many different higher-order Delaunay triangulations for a point set, other useful criteria for triangulations can be incorporated without sacrificing the well-shapedness too much. Applications include realistic terrain modelling and mesh generation

    Point location in zones of k-flats in arrangements

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    Facility location on terrains

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    Given a terrain defined as a piecewise-linear function with n triangles, and m point sites on it, we would like to identify the location on the terrain that minimizes the maximum distance to the sites. The distance is measured as the length of the Euclidean shortest path along the terrain. To simplify the problem somewhat, we extend the terrain to (the surface of) a polyhedron. To compute the optimum placement, we compute the furthest-site Voronoi diagram of the sites on the polyhedron. The diagram has maximum combinatorial complexity Q(mn2), and the algorithm runs in O(mn² log²m log n) time

    Finding a minimum stretch of a function

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    Given a piecewise monotone function f : R ! R and a real value Tmin, we develop an algorithm that finds an interval of length at least Tmin for which the average value of f is minimized. The run-time of the algorithm is linear in the number of monotone pieces of f if certain operations are available in constant time for f. We use this algorithm to solve a basic problem arising in the analysis of trajectories: Finding the most similar subtrajectories of two given trajectories, provided that the duration is at least Tmin. Since the precise solution requires complex operations, we also give a simple (1+")approximation algorithm in which these operations are not needed

    Finding long and similar parts of trajectories

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    A natural time-dependent similarity measure for two trajectories is their average distance at corresponding times. We give algorithms for computing the most similar subtrajectories under this measure, assuming the two trajectories are given as two polygonal, possibly self-intersecting lines. When a minimum duration is specified for the subtrajectories, and they must start at exactly corresponding times in the input trajectories, we give a linear-time algorithm for computing the starting time and duration of the most similar subtrajectories. The algorithm is based on a result of independent interest: We present a linear-time algorithm to find, for a piece-wise monotone function, an interval of at least a given length that has minimum average value. When the two subtrajectories can start at different times in the two input trajectories, it appears difficult to give an exact algorithm for the most similar subtrajectories problem, even if the duration of the desired two subtrajectories is fixed to some length. We show that the problem can be solved approximately, and with a performance guarantee. More precisely, we present (1 + e)-approximation algorithms for computing the most similar subtrajectories of two input trajectories for the case where the duration is specified, and also for the case where only a minimum on the duration is specified

    Shortest path queries in rectilinear worlds

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    Maintaining range trees in secondary memory. Part I: Partitions

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    Klimaatverandering en natuur : een verkenning van risico’s, kansen en aangrijpingspunten voor klimaatadaptatiebeleid

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    In 2016 zal het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu de Nationale Adaptatie Strategie presenteren. Daarin wordt voor verschillende thema’s aangegeven hoe Nederland zich het beste kan voorbereiden op de gevolgen van klimaatverandering. In deze rapportage brengen Stroming en Wageningen Universiteit, in opdracht van Kennis voor Klimaat, de belangrijkste risico’s, kansen en kwetsbaarheden rond het thema natuur samen
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